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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Kralt

Post-op News

Updated: Jun 13, 2021

Not good news - great news!

The operation to remove Noah's tumor today went very well and we are all feeling very, very grateful.

We were out the door just after seven this morning and arrived at McMaster right on time for his surgical check-in. We once again met up with the surgeon and then we met the anesthesiology team in person for the first time just to go over any last minute plans and to ask any last minute questions. Kim took Noah into the operating room and, once he was sedated, Kim and I went out to wait and walk. And walk and walk and walk.

Figuring, based on our mental math, that Noah's surgery would be wrapping up by around half past one, we headed back to the waiting room at one o'clock only to find, shortly after arriving, that the surgeon had been looking to speak with us over an hour, as the operation had already wrapped up ahead of when we had expected.

We were greeted by a smiling surgeon brandishing two thumbs up. This, of course, was a great sign because it meant that Noah was okay.

Her report on the surgery, however, was as good as we could have hoped for. The tumor fell apart readily with the thoracoscopy. This meant that only a small incision was needed for the pieces of the tumor to be removed. Even better than this is the initial estimation that up to 99% of the primary tumor was able to be removed. This was, to quote our surgeon, "better than expected." It was certainly better than we had expected.

And we were elated!

The sedation and pain management also went very well. Noah no longer requires intubation as his collapsed lung has begun to work again.

As of this writing, Noah is in the pediatric intensive care unit recovering. He is being pretty closely monitored and though he is feeling a bit groggy he is also doing really well, all things considered. The pain medications he is receiving through his epidural are keeping him very comfortable and he is eating and drinking and asking about riding the trike.

The plan is for Noah to be moved into the post-surgical ward tomorrow. Depending on how he feels over the next few days, he will come off of the different medications he is being given for pain and, when he is ready, he will come back home to await his next chemotherapy treatment.

And in the meantime, the tumor will be sent off to pathology for analysis. A close look at the tumor will tell doctors more about how Noah's cancer has been responding to the treatment he has been receiving.

But, for tonight, we are grateful. Grateful that Noah is safe and doing well. Grateful that so much of Noah's tumor was able to be cleanly removed. Grateful that medical professionals can perform these incredible procedures. And grateful that our family has been receiving so many wonderful prayers and encouragements from family, friends, and our family of faith.

We have much to be thankful for.

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10 comentários

Sabrina Krysko
Sabrina Krysko
27 de abr. de 2021

This is amazing news indeed! Sending love and strength ❤️


17 de abr. de 2021

Great news!


Karen Dekker
Karen Dekker
17 de abr. de 2021

Great news!


Jenn Dmytrus
Jenn Dmytrus
17 de abr. de 2021

So thankful to hear this news. Have been praying throughout the day for all of you and for miracles!


17 de abr. de 2021

Praise the Lord!!!! My Life Group prayed for Noah and you last night. I am so grateful that Noah’s operation went so well. Continuing to pray for all of you.

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